David Ashburner



[email protected]

*Evening appointments available

For Men

Where a man can talk

Where can a man go to talk about the stuff he does not feel comfortable talking about? Sounds like a riddle, and to some extent, it is.  Many men just do not feel comfortable talking about the BIG stuff like hurts, disappointments, pornography, sexually acting out, grief, divorce, job loss, and failed relationships.  I provide a supportive and affirmative counseling setting that can help you sort things out and come up with results that are different from the ones you are currently getting.

I work collaboratively with men to understand their past and plot a new course – a course that gets you what you want: a better marriage; less conflict at work; healing and letting go of the past;  issues you just cannot face or talk with anyone about.


You don’t have to be a superhero to have a good marriage!

Some of the issues I work with men on are:


Don’t continue being miserable, contact me.