David Ashburner



[email protected]

*Evening appointments available

Sex and Pornography Addiction

Sex addiction and pornography addiction come in many different forms

There is no single type of behavior or even amount of behavior that will indicate you are an addict. The problem is much more complex than can be explained in a few words and if you have been living the life of a sex or porn addict, you know how difficult it is to describe what you are experiencing.


The lies and secret life can end


I offer testing for sex addiction and porn addiction, that with your history, will help in the proper diagnosis of your issues. We will work toward knowing if you do or don’t have a sex addiction or porn addiction. If you don’t, then we will work with whatever “it” is.

If you do have a sex or pornography addiction, then I can help you understand it, and start to work toward a way of life YOU CHOOSE – not the one you feel driven to. No hocus pocus, no finger wagging, no shaming. We will work with PROVEN and TESTED methods and materials to get what you want.

 Give me a call

Some questions to ask yourself about the behavior you are concerned with:

  • Do I have a sense that I have lost control over whether or not I engage in my sexual behavior?
  • Am I experiencing significant consequences because of my sexual behavior?
    Do I feel like I am constantly thinking about my sexual behavior, even when I don’t want to?
  • Do I lie to people I love to protect my secret behavior?
  • Do I violate my own moral standards with my sexual behavior?
  • If I get “caught” doing my behavior would I be at risk for divorce or breakup? Or possibly arrest?



You don’t have to live like this